Whether you have very little time to spare or a lot of time, there are many ways to get involved!
Please contact us with specific interests or general inquiries, <<click here>>
ACTIVE4me - Bike, Walk, Run, or Scoot to School!
DID YOU KNOW...that if you sign up your child for the Active4Me bike program, you will receive a call, text, or email when your student arrives at school and their Active4Me barcode is scanned? Plus, students can track their miles, calories spent, money saved, and carbon reduction! Scanning will start when all volunteers are secured. Email Marlia Braun at active4me.pioneer@gmail.com, to volunteer or check off the box on your volunteer form. Volunteer commitment is 8:00am-8:30am one morning a week. Please join our 2023-2024 Scanning Posse!
To register your child, please pick up and complete an “Active4Me Parental Consent Form” at the Front Office or under Forms on the PTA website. Return the completed form to the Front Office or to any of the scanners at school.
Fall Festival
Volunteers help out in the prize room, bake sale, or a carnival activity booth.
Garden Parent Volunteers
For Grades K-3, this is a fun program that brings you into your child's classroom to lead activities in our school garden. Garden Parents have organized lesson plans, a special location to meet on rainy or extra hot days, and materials ready when you arrive to work with your class.
NO GARDEN EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Time Commitment: 1 hr. per week
Hospitality / Luncheons
Volunteers bring a dish or help set up during Conference Weeks & Teacher Appreciation Day.
Spring Fling
Pioneer Collectors' Spring Fling! Does your child have a collection that he or she would like to share with the school? Maybe it's rocks, stamps, stickers, rubber duckies, erasers or anything else? Students are invited to bring their collections to school and put them on display in the MPR for other students to come by and look/ask questions. Look for announcements after the new year about this fun event open to all students in the Spring!
Science Night
Volunteers organize a fun educational evening for Pioneer families.
School Directory
Volunteers compile, create or proof the Pioneer’s Student Directory “white pages.”
Volunteers help the student yearbook committee with sales and distribution at PTA events.
Sign Making & Marquee
Volunteers create eye-catching signs to promote PTA events and update information on the school’s marquee.
Student Play
Grades 4-6 put on a fun family play at the end of the year.
Volunteers support the arts with costumes, set design, and more!
PTA Website
Volunteers maintains an accurate and fresh site; adjust design, update content, upload forms and pictures in a timely manner.
Walker Creek Ranch Camp
The PTA donates a portion of the fees to each 6th grade student who is attending the Walker Creek Ranch Camp.
Pioneer students have been attending Walker Creek Camp for 14 years. We are very pleased with the excellent program they provide for our students. High school students and parents go on the trip as cabin leaders. This trip provides an opportunity for students to spend time away from home in a safe, educational environment.
The Marin County Outdoor School at Walker Creek Ranch is dedicated to helping elementary school teachers satisfy their educational goals through quality instruction within a special learning environment that inspires and motivates students to achieve an appreciation of the natural world. Using principles of thematic instruction, the Outdoor School enhances a student's critical thinking, processing, and socialization skills.
For more information about Walker Creek Ranch please go to: www.walkercreekranch.org